The copy for this piece was written by a copywriter at ASI, I was responsible for creating this Content Marketing piece in the program, Ion Interactive. DFS is one of the clients that knows our content marketing works, so they allow us to have more creative freedom, which has allowed for us to create many fun themes for their pieces. This is one of the, a "Promo Matchmaker" that went out around Valentine's Day 2020.
While this was created before the use of pop-up gated forms in our Content Marketing pieces, it at least allowed for us to integrate some game show music into the form to set the stage of the theme of this piece. Working with the copywriter, we were really able to dive deep into a fun game show theme where the promos got to find their matches. I was enable to encompass this idea by using hovers within the web page that let the matching promos for each section "hide" behind doors and the end-users get to discover them, allowing for the web page to be engaging and interactive.
To preview the ungated version (no form to fill out) content marketing piece yourself, you can preview it here.
"Promo Matchmaker" Email Marketing mockup

Please respect that part of this email has been edited out to hide client information. 

A digital index is created after the client approves the content marketing piece. My copywriter writes copy that relates to the piece to which I then design and code a marketing email which we then upload to Paradot to send out to the client's seed list. 
This email features animation in the header section when viewing the live version.
Click here to view the digital index version. 

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